Problems of Adulthood

Life was simpler when we were children. I’m pretty sure many, if not all, of us adults have at some point heard that same thought echo in our heads, while wistfully reminiscing bygone days when our biggest problems were fitting our huge sticker collection into one sticker book and convincing our parents to give us […]

Soft Emotions

Today, I sat by the window leisurely folding clothes as dusk crept in. I spied the pinkish orange clouds gradually turn a light grey as nightfall claimed the fading sun. Sigrid’s Home to You played in the background.   “Couldn’t wait ‘til I got outside Wondering, what the world be like I knew I had […]

Sunday Neurosis

Sunday neurosis (n.) – that kind of depression which afflicts people who become aware of the lack of content in their lives when the rush of the busy week is over and the void within themselves becomes manifest (Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning) … … It’s been almost a year since I last wrote here. […]

Hello Again

Hello, everyone! I am back. 🙂 Firstly, I’d like to apologize. I feel like I’ve been such a crappy blogger. I’ve been wanting to put a post up earlier than this, and to go visit all your blogs and see what you lovelies have been up to and leave replies on your posts—especially those who’d […]

On Writing for a Living (or How I Didn’t Become a Writer)

Once upon a time, I was a girl who dreamed of becoming a writer—that is, for the purposes of this post, one I will define as someone who does writing as a fulltime profession, or at least has published a book. Since the time I was about 10 y.o., I had been an active campus […]

When Sunflowers Stop Following the Sun

“She’d seen a video of a young sunflower turning its head from east to west to follow the sun and then, in the darkness of the night, eerily ratcheting back to face east. The moment the sun rose, the sunflower was ready. ‘That plant,’ she remembers thinking, ‘seems to know when and where the sun […]

Why I Blog (A Ranking of 4 Motives)

“Putting aside the need to earn a living, I think there are four great motives for writing, at any rate for writing prose. They exist in different degrees in every writer, and in any one writer the proportions will vary from time to time, according to the atmosphere in which he is living.” ~ George […]

The Artist’s Job

“Whose job is it in times like this to connect ideas, realities and people?” ~ Mwende Katwiwa … I just came across the following 8-min talk from Rethinking Life, and its message is definitely worth spreading, especially for all kinds of artists out there. “[I]t is the artist’s job to unearth stories that people try to […]

Why I Suck at Writing Fiction

When people learn I like writing, many of them assume I write fiction. But I don’t. I like telling stories, but for some reason I can’t seem to produce fiction. I know, because I’ve tried (and failed miserably, haha). The only stories I seem to be capable of writing are the ones that have actually […]

Square Poem: If we both fall in love

So, yesterday I saw a post about a “square poem” often attributed to Lewis Carroll (although as to who the real author is seems ambiguous). A square poem is apparently one whose words you could read either in rows (horizontally) or in columns (vertically); the poem would read the same. Here’s Lewis Carroll’s square poem: […]