On Writing for a Living (or How I Didn’t Become a Writer)

Once upon a time, I was a girl who dreamed of becoming a writer—that is, for the purposes of this post, one I will define as someone who does writing as a fulltime profession, or at least has published a book. Since the time I was about 10 y.o., I had been an active campus […]

If You’re Thinking of Changing Careers

“It is this life-long search for, and journey toward, meaning, that lies beneath all the surface changes we make in our jobs, occupations, job-titles, and careers during our lifetime. We want our work—increasingly—to reflect who we most truly are.” ~ Richard Nelson Bolles, The 1993 What Color Is Your Parachute? … As some of you may […]

Dreams Revisited: Journal Entries from 15-year-old Me

Dear Journal (August 14, 2005) “Memories, for me, are precious. That’s why I have you, in the first place.”  …  … I started keeping a journal as I was just about to turn 15. Now, nine years later, I flip back to the pages written by that 15-year-old girl, and I am all at once […]


These days I’ve been encountering more triggers for derailment than glowing road signs saying “Yes darling, you’re on the right path, and you’re getting free lemonade every 5 meters.” However, even from the very beginning, I had been well aware that this was going to be anything but the yellow brick road. I had prepared […]