On Writing for a Living (or How I Didn’t Become a Writer)

Once upon a time, I was a girl who dreamed of becoming a writer—that is, for the purposes of this post, one I will define as someone who does writing as a fulltime profession, or at least has published a book. Since the time I was about 10 y.o., I had been an active campus […]

Why I Blog (A Ranking of 4 Motives)

“Putting aside the need to earn a living, I think there are four great motives for writing, at any rate for writing prose. They exist in different degrees in every writer, and in any one writer the proportions will vary from time to time, according to the atmosphere in which he is living.” ~ George […]

If You’re Thinking of Changing Careers

“It is this life-long search for, and journey toward, meaning, that lies beneath all the surface changes we make in our jobs, occupations, job-titles, and careers during our lifetime. We want our work—increasingly—to reflect who we most truly are.” ~ Richard Nelson Bolles, The 1993 What Color Is Your Parachute? … As some of you may […]

Starting Line

I am doing neck stretches, giving my hands a quick shake, stretching my legs, doing a light jog-in-place. I am about to run. … I had always refused to call myself ambitious. Where I’m from, the term ambitious has negative connotations, like it’s synonymous to selfishness and a callous disregard for anyone else for the […]

I, Stubborn Dreamer

There’s an anecdote of me as a child, that my mother used to tell me about over and over again. She said that when I was about 5 y.o., she and my father were watching me work on a coloring book. They were instructing me which colors to use (e.g. green for the leaves, blue […]

Joie de Vivre

As it may have been apparent in my previous post, 2016 saw me lose a lot of joie de vivre (French for ‘joy of living’ / ‘cheerful enjoyment of life’). I was utterly busy yet numbed, bored, and occasionally hopeless. The exhaustion left me very little to enjoy anything else. People tell me I work […]

Life Lately

Every time I feel the impulse to blog about my personal life, I always feel a counter-impulse not to, because it feels unnecessary, tiresome, and self-indulgent. Like, who cares, right? The world has enough problems and riffraff without my adding to it. It’s the same way I often keep silent even when my brain is […]