On Writing for a Living (or How I Didn’t Become a Writer)

Once upon a time, I was a girl who dreamed of becoming a writer—that is, for the purposes of this post, one I will define as someone who does writing as a fulltime profession, or at least has published a book. Since the time I was about 10 y.o., I had been an active campus […]

Are These Photos Racist?

There’s been debate and clamor in social media about the pre-nuptial photos of Philippine celebrities Billy Crawford and Coleen Garcia shot in Ethiopia: … Some people have expressed concern and even rage that these photos appeared to make “accessories” or “props” out of the Ethiopians in the shots. Concerns over racism erupted, with some netizens […]

Why I Blog (A Ranking of 4 Motives)

“Putting aside the need to earn a living, I think there are four great motives for writing, at any rate for writing prose. They exist in different degrees in every writer, and in any one writer the proportions will vary from time to time, according to the atmosphere in which he is living.” ~ George […]

The Artist’s Job

“Whose job is it in times like this to connect ideas, realities and people?” ~ Mwende Katwiwa … I just came across the following 8-min talk from Rethinking Life, and its message is definitely worth spreading, especially for all kinds of artists out there. “[I]t is the artist’s job to unearth stories that people try to […]

A Delete Button on Mental Illness

If there were a delete button on mental illness, would you press it? I’m asking this because I am still bothered by a question I was asked several months ago. I was giving a mental health awareness talk in one of the colleges here, and during the open forum, one student asked me: “If there […]

Square Poem: If we both fall in love

So, yesterday I saw a post about a “square poem” often attributed to Lewis Carroll (although as to who the real author is seems ambiguous). A square poem is apparently one whose words you could read either in rows (horizontally) or in columns (vertically); the poem would read the same. Here’s Lewis Carroll’s square poem: […]

Towards Vulnerability

This entry is part of my undertaking a 30-day challenge Matt Cutts talked about at TED2011. The premise is to “think about something you’ve always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 days.” I am challenging myself to post one blog entry a day for 30 consecutive days. Today is Day […]

The Creative Agony

I plan to take on a writing project soon, so I’ve been trying to challenge myself to take on creative exercises, like take random things and write 500-word essays about them. (So forgive me, but in the next couple of weeks, you might be seeing a lot more blog posts from me than you would […]