Problems of Adulthood

Life was simpler when we were children. I’m pretty sure many, if not all, of us adults have at some point heard that same thought echo in our heads, while wistfully reminiscing bygone days when our biggest problems were fitting our huge sticker collection into one sticker book and convincing our parents to give us […]

Soft Emotions

Today, I sat by the window leisurely folding clothes as dusk crept in. I spied the pinkish orange clouds gradually turn a light grey as nightfall claimed the fading sun. Sigrid’s Home to You played in the background.   “Couldn’t wait ‘til I got outside Wondering, what the world be like I knew I had […]

Sunday Neurosis

Sunday neurosis (n.) – that kind of depression which afflicts people who become aware of the lack of content in their lives when the rush of the busy week is over and the void within themselves becomes manifest (Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning) … … It’s been almost a year since I last wrote here. […]

A Story of Struggle

“Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.” ~ William Goldman I like stories of struggle. Not because I enjoy struggling or seeing other people struggle, but because there is a strength of character and wisdom earned from struggle that could never be honed by anything else. Today, I’m sharing with […]

When Sunflowers Stop Following the Sun

“She’d seen a video of a young sunflower turning its head from east to west to follow the sun and then, in the darkness of the night, eerily ratcheting back to face east. The moment the sun rose, the sunflower was ready. ‘That plant,’ she remembers thinking, ‘seems to know when and where the sun […]

We’re All Gonna Die, So…

trigger warning: death, suicide Death has been a recurring thought for me this past couple of weeks. Not in the sense that I desire it upon myself anytime soon, but in the sense that recent events have forced me to reckon the reality of it in the midst of life. Within the past two months […]

If You’ve Ever Lost Someone

Loss doesn’t happen the same way each time. … If you’ve ever lost someone, by your own actions — like because you were mean, or pushed them away, or did something stupid — apologize. Whenever possible, make amends. Forgive yourself. … If you’ve ever lost someone, by their actions — like because they were mean, or pushed you […]

Believe Me When I Say

I hope you believe me when I say— You are going to be okay. You are okay.  … You are not your mistakes. You are not a mistake. … You are not lacking. You are not too much. … You are worthy of love. You are loved. … You’ve done enough. You are enough. ♥ … […]

Risks Worth Taking

How do you know when to take a risk, and when to pass up on it? They say that to arrive at the answer, there’s only one question you’d need to ask yourself: If it doesn’t work out and the worst possible outcome happens, would you be able to handle it? In other words, will […]

Wisdom of Lao-Tzu: 12 Quotes from the Tao Te Ching

The Tao Te Ching (roughly translated as “The Book of the Way of Virtue”) is an ancient Chinese text consisting of 81 verses mainly about the Tao (“the Way”). It offers wisdom on how to live and lead with virtue. Although its true author is not (or cannot be) absolutely verified, the text is attributed to […]