The Vacancy of Leaving

Do they have a word for the vacancy you feel after leaving? … I dreamed that I was back in a familiar place, which was home to many people I loved. I was aware that I was back only for a visit, not to stay for long. We were having some sort of a party/happy […]

Attachment Theory: Can Your Infant Attachment Style Predict Your Approach to Romantic Relationships?

Ahh, yes, the big, complicated, thorny world of love and romantic relationships…this, we’re all at least a bit interested in, and most, if not all of us would rather go through it unscathed—thus, the attempt to understand as much of its intricacies as humanly possible. Psychology, of course, has all but shied away from studying […]

Why You Date Who You Date: Evolutionary Psychology Explains

Picture a woman in her early 20s, with smooth and glowing skin, shiny hair, full lips, and bright eyes. She has a perfect 36-24-36 body figure and her voluptuous hips sway gracefully as she walks past by. It’s hard not to imagine such a woman turning heads as she saunters down an alley, gathering awed […]

The Anti-Cinderella Campaign

“Anti-Cinderella.” — I was engaged in a conversation with an American UN Peace Corps Volunteer for Education in my high school alma mater when I first heard of this term. She, an enthusiastic woman whose advocacy is creative writing, was relating to me how surprised she was to find that storytelling activities at the high school level […]