We’re All Gonna Die, So…

trigger warning: death, suicide Death has been a recurring thought for me this past couple of weeks. Not in the sense that I desire it upon myself anytime soon, but in the sense that recent events have forced me to reckon the reality of it in the midst of life. Within the past two months […]

If You’ve Ever Lost Someone

Loss doesn’t happen the same way each time. … If you’ve ever lost someone, by your own actions — like because you were mean, or pushed them away, or did something stupid — apologize. Whenever possible, make amends. Forgive yourself. … If you’ve ever lost someone, by their actions — like because they were mean, or pushed you […]

Are These Photos Racist?

There’s been debate and clamor in social media about the pre-nuptial photos of Philippine celebrities Billy Crawford and Coleen Garcia shot in Ethiopia: … Some people have expressed concern and even rage that these photos appeared to make “accessories” or “props” out of the Ethiopians in the shots. Concerns over racism erupted, with some netizens […]

Social Media Shaming: Go or No?

Recently, I’ve noticed an increase in the circulation of social media posts that publicly narrate some sort of offense or wrongdoing by a private person, whose name and photo are typically included (even tagged) in the post. Usually, the one posting is the person who was offended, and in all fairness, it’s often the case […]

Why I Blog (A Ranking of 4 Motives)

“Putting aside the need to earn a living, I think there are four great motives for writing, at any rate for writing prose. They exist in different degrees in every writer, and in any one writer the proportions will vary from time to time, according to the atmosphere in which he is living.” ~ George […]

What’s It Like Being Filipino?

One of the things I appreciate the most about the blogging community is the diversity of ethnicities and cultures that get to interact here. I’m in awe of the idea that with just the click of the button, I could share my thoughts with or get to read about the thoughts of someone halfway across […]

Believe Me When I Say

I hope you believe me when I say— You are going to be okay. You are okay.  … You are not your mistakes. You are not a mistake. … You are not lacking. You are not too much. … You are worthy of love. You are loved. … You’ve done enough. You are enough. ♥ … […]

Kill or Be Killed

Yesterday, I sat with my 9-year-old nephew as he engaged in one of his favorite pastimes, watching gameplay videos of YouTubers Pat and Jen playing Minecraft. As we watched, he explained to me some mechanics of the ongoing game, which at the time was Bed Wars. There were 8 teams, each composed of a pair. […]

The Artist’s Job

“Whose job is it in times like this to connect ideas, realities and people?” ~ Mwende Katwiwa … I just came across the following 8-min talk from Rethinking Life, and its message is definitely worth spreading, especially for all kinds of artists out there. “[I]t is the artist’s job to unearth stories that people try to […]